Hoewel veel vluchten zijn gecanceld kan mijn partner in crime gelukkig nog iedere week van en naar Zweden. De oudste is momenteel ook thuis omdat er geen werk is en die kan ik inmiddels al achter het behang plakken. (kleine notitie hij is 21, dus dat gaat niet zo makkelijk meer.)
We moeten roeien met de riemen die we hebben en ik hoop dat de curve over een niet al te lange tijd gaat afvlakken, want met de economie op zijn gat, het sluiten van kroegen en restaurants, de anderhalve meter afstand maatregel gaat denk ik veel bedrijven nekken. Dus ik steun de lokale bedrijven met mijn boodschappen en de craftshops met mijn online aankopen. Tja als we toch niet meer uiteten gaan en dergelijke geef ik mijn geld maar uit aan andere dingen.
The last 2 days of March and then April starts. Time is going very fast, despite the fact that I am almost every single day at home because all my services have been returned. I work as a doctor's assistant in the flexpool of the hospital. This means that if there is a shortage of a doctor's assistant somewhere on a clinic, I can be deployed for it. Now it is the case that all outpatient clinics have canceled the appointments until the end of April, so the outpatient clinics have enough of their own staff because they now work in shifts. That's why it stops for me and I'm at home. With not many appointments in the agenda and a lot of free time, I just trying to make some kind of housekeeping schedule in Mr. Darcy, because I now have so much free time that I actually doing much other stuff and not the household chores. I'm glad that the normal tv channels are not really running on summer time here and the range is still fairly new. In addition, we also have Netflix, Disney + and Videoland available for our entertainment and I use them a lot at the moment.
Although many flights have been canceled, my partner in crime can still go to and from Sweden every week. The oldest one is currently also at home because there is no work and I can already paste it behind the wallpaper. (small note he is 21, so that is not so easy anymore.)
We have to make the best out of it and I hope that the curve will flatten in the not too distant future, because with the economy on hold, the closing of bars and restaurants, the measure one and a half meters distance from eachother, I think many companies will file for bankrupcy. So I support the local companies with my groceries and the craft shops with my online purchases. Well if we don't go out for dinner any more, I will spend my money on other things.
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