Unboxing Kits from the Past Kit Sale

Zoals jullie weten heb ik vorige maand Planners Anonymous ontdekt via Facebook. Dit is een Australisch bedrijf dat maandelijks een planner kit verstuurd en ben gelijk klant geworden.
Het zijn werkelijk waar schitterende kits.
Aangezien ik me pas op 17 februari heb aangemeld, heb ik een paar kits, die ik schitterend vind gemist. Gelukkig hadden ze recent een past kit sale en heb ik deze kits nog kunnen aanschaffen.
Het gaat om de kits Sunflowers and Sunshine (mei 2018), Wanderlust (juni 2018), Holiday Home (septemer 2018) Serenity (december 2018), Booklovers (januari 2019) en Mainstreet (februari 2019).
Via deze blogpost geef ik je een klein idee wat deze kits allemaal bevatten.

Fotocredits: Plannersanon.com

Heyy Y'all!

Sometimes the best thing to do is to get out into the sunshine. 
There's something about the colour yellow thats is an instant
pick-me-up and don't even get me started on sunflowers! Time
to put on your boots, get happy
(and a little country) and
come for a ride with me.

Love always


As you know, I discovered Planners Anonymous via Facebook last month. This is an Australian company that sends a planner kit every month and immediately became a customer.
They are really beautiful kits.
Since I only registered on February 17, I missed a few kits that I think are wonderful. Fortunately they recently had a past kit sale and I have been able to purchase these kits.
These are the Sunflowers and Sunshine (may 2018), Wanderlust (June 2018), Holiday Home (September 2018), Serenity (December 2018), Booklovers (January 2019) and Mainstreet (February 2019) kits.
Through this blog post I will give you a small idea of what all these kits contain.

Hi every on!
Well I have a few minutes before my flight zooms off across the country but I wanted to check in withe you all and remind you that sometimes the journey is so much fun than the destination so enjoy life!
Love always,

We've traveled around the globe, visited the fun fair and now it's time to go to my favourite spot, my holiday home. Where I can kick back and listen to the waves crashing from my sofa and watch the world drift away.
Love Always,

 Breathe in, and out.
2019 is our year to shine. I have a plan and for the first time in a long time, I'm taking ime to focus on me. I'm making sure that I follow my dreams, that I'm successful and I know that whatever I accomplish it will be great because I can love myself and I am enough.
Love Always,
Naomi xoxo

Book LoverDon't you just love books? Each containing stories which can captivate your heart and mind by simply drawing you in to their world. And there are millions of them! Each with their own universe and magic, just waiting to be visited.
Love Always

Main StreetGet in we're going shopping!
The shops are buzzing with sales and I've got money to burn. So first off we're going to hit of a few shops on Main and the dive into lunch. I'm thinking of that cute little cafe near the place with the dress I love. Then bring on the shoes.
Look, just take my money.
Love always
Aaliyah xoxo

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